name :Henni Yolkia
age :26
pronouns :She/They
sexuality :Pan/Poly/Ace

🌟"Make a wish! Cus I'm gonna be your star!!!"🌟
I'm Henni a plus-size chicken vtuber who loves ORANGE and SCARAMOUCHE!!

Once an experiment subject testing the effects of livestocks ability to thrive in space- Henni (HenN1) lived most of her life in a cage, humans doting on her and her every need (food and water whenever she wanted was kind of a sweet deal)
her co-experiment, a rooster, was never thrilled with this life and frequently escaped his cage to avoid the scientists
One day an emergency happened in the space station Henni lived her days out in was suddenly far quieter…lonelier…and hungrier…
Eventually Henni broke her cage open, and she decided to look for everyone, but after a long walk through the station she realizes everyone was gone
She sits on the ground in front of the large window overlooking space in the common area, and cries- her little thoughts confused, sad, and lonely all led back to one question “why did everyone leave?”
As she thought and thought she found herself more frustrated that she didn't understand…..
The same moment she wished that she COULD understand why everyone left- a shooting star flew by and granted that wish
All of a sudden Henni and her now roommate on the space station found themselves in the same predicament-
To grant Hennis wish they were granted bodies, and the ability to live the human experience, and by living that life she's able to come to understand that it wasn't malicious intent that she suffered by, but simply that they were too preoccupied with other thoughts, as mundane as that reasoning is, humans are rather mundane, but to live that mundane-ness is beautiful
magical girl ability status: unawakened
magical familiar status: ascended to become goddess of the star
goddess of the star status: descended to human

discord :henni_yolkia
steam code :1167667185
VR chat:henniyolkia
genshin UID :615150629
Henni yolkia
a chicken streamer who lives in a space station! she suddenly got a (mostly) human body after wishing to understand why the humans who cared for her left her behind
Maribelle Saffron
ex magical girl who recently got a promotion to goddess of the star after having a breakdown and killing the last one
Agnes étoile
full time rich girl who HATES loves her two little brothers WANTS THEM DEAD most people consider her lucky but agnes knows that everything she has she cheated and screwed people over for
Mori Vivere
depressed and immortal due to an accident with his boyfriend, hes spent the past 1000 years trying to figure out how to un-immortal his boyfriend, but a few years of slacking off wont kill either of them